Top 12 Programs to Create Presentations on Your PC
Are you bored with presentations you see at your job? Or would you like to create perfect slideshows but your own creations are far from being as perfect as designs on Netflix, Bet 20, or other top-notch websites?
Then you should try the following programs.
Keynote by Apple
The most common presentation creation program for iOS. It has all the tools for presentation design: fonts, effects, animations, graphs/diagrams, and so on.
Additionally, you can put an Apple Remote on your smartphone, which allows you to switch slides directly from your iPhone.
Also Read: iMovie For Pc/Laptop Download – iMovie Video Editor for Mac, Windows 10, Windows 7,8,8.1,Xp Os
Microsoft PowerPoint
Without a doubt, the most popular program for creating presentations. It is thanks to the prevalence of Windows, but not only thanks to it – Microsoft has invested heavily in the development of PowerPoint. As a result, we have one of the most powerful programs for presentations.
A program for the rapid creation of video, similar in functionality to the software for creating presentations, only the final version you get in a video file. It is convenient because the presentation can be easily uploaded to YouTube.
LibreOffice Impress
LibreOffice is the free analog of MS Office, respectively Impress is the analog of PowerPoint. Impress is slightly behind PowerPoint in the number of features.
Apache OpenOffice Impress
Almost a copy of the previous program: an analog of PowerPoint included in the free OpenOffice. Like in the previous case, there are not so many features, but the program can be used for free.
Design App by Slidemagic
A professional program for creating presentations focused on business presentations. It has an unobtrusive interface, all the basic presentation settings are gathered in one place, which makes editing much easier.
myShowcase by Spintouch
A program for creating multi-touch presentations: this is when all the slides are in categories, the reader clicks on the category and gets the slides. All this is naturally accompanied by stylish transitions.
The main thing the company focuses on is the ability to integrate the presentation into the website. In this case, the buyer only needs a presentation developed in myShowcase – the company takes care of the integration.
An unusual program for presentations. You create individual slides in other services (PowerPoint, YouTube videos, PDF, etc.) and then merge it all into SlideDog.
It’s controlled through playlists, and these playlists can be quickly switched between each other. There’s a live presentation: you give everyone a link and they watch your presentation online. There’s also a live chat room where listeners can ask you questions.
The program uses a non-standard approach to presentations – instead of the usual slides you get dynamic, where you can click on the “i” and get more information. The program is customized for Internet presentations.
Adobe Spark
This is a program for creating custom stories. It’s free and available on all platforms. The idea is that you can combine pictures, video, and text to create a story.
You can’t make it a complete program for creating presentations, but as an auxiliary program it is very useful because you can create a slide in Spark, and then throw it into a normal program for slides. The distinctive feature of Adobe Spark is a large number of free images in Adobe’s internal image bank.
Viewlet Builder
This is a program for capturing video from the screen. After you have recorded a video, you can immediately add comments, add transitions, trim the video, and so on. In the output, you get a video file.
This program won’t make you feel comfortable creating full-fledged presentations, but it’s a good idea to make videos to be later inserted into presentations. Alas, the program is not free.
The idea of this program is to make the creation of slides as simple as possible. You just write some text and the program automatically creates a slide based on it. You can “tweak” the parameters or set the background if you want.